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Writer's pictureNoel Ashton

#9 Landscape at Black Rocks

Landscape at Black Rocks (1020mm x 504mm acrylic)

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My experiences in nature have shown me that to walk upon the land is to encounter a forgotten part of the self, for it is here that the past and future are set free from the confines of the mind, the present is engaged through the senses, and I become more aware of the world as the path takes me back to a place I know well. This place is not only all around me, it is also within, the flow of the seasons and the passage of the moon, even the call of a passing gull lifts my spirit as the gentle breeze carries with it the scent of the veld. As I walk upon the land I am reminded of the simple but complex threads weaving together the many lives that live here, all woven within an intricate balance along the journey of survival that has continued for millennia, and shall press on long after we have passed from this place.

And when I pause, I realise that probably the greatest gift of these special times is the reminder that I am a part of all of this, the gently flowing river gives me life and the sun offers me the gifts of nourishment, but most importantly, when I listen carefully, the deeper echo reminds me of how these open spaces are food for my soul.

Follow the stories behind 52 Artworks

Tomorrow I will be starting to post occasional stories and images to my Wildlife Studio Facebook page, giving an opportunity to follow wildlife encounters and behind-the-scenes experiences that I have had, including a klipspringer sighting over the weekend. To follow : click here

Noel Ashton’s Wildlife


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