Noel Ashton - Mindful Nature
Bringing nature back into our lives

The Storytellers of Africa speak,
not that we shall listen,
but that we should remember.
But how can we remember
in a world that has forgotten so much?
Noel 2016

Bringing art, science and the heart of the storyteller into an unforgettable experience
Storytelling is something intrinsically human, and for thousands of years stories where told by the light of the fire under a full African moon, when people came together to share and remember, the children wide-eyed as the elders gave the gifts from their lives, stories of the hunt, the birth of life and the way the world was formed, and how we now sit alongside the elephant and the rhino, cosmologies and sacred stories held in that moment, and then passed down through the generations.
“I have the privilege of being a storyteller, and although I now use projectors and computers to combine images and sounds with storylines from the heart, the aim is still the same, to bring people together and to take them on a journey back to their own hearts, for they are the storytellers of tomorrow.” (Noel 2016)

By seamlessly blending his art and experiences with scientific training and philosophies, Noel’s public talks take his audiences on unique journeys of unforgettable encounters. Whether it is along the shore and into the oceans, offering close encounters with many of the world’s fascinating whale and dolphin species, or into the mountains and the search for our own identity as seen through the eyes of a Bushman, or into the studio and the thoughts and contemplations of a sculptor, each is designed to speak directly from the heart and share the human journey of an unusual adventurer. This he does by incorporating original paintings, illustrations and field notes with photographs and video, making the experience one-of-a-kind, and along the way engaging the narrative through the eyes of an artist, the thoughts of a scientist and the passions of a storyteller.

“I have been an Audio Visual producer for 20 years and have been involved in many presentations and Noel Ashton’s presentation on whales and dolphins had me riveted from start to finish.”
(Mick Hedderman, Cape Town Tour Guide Association)
“Your journey was fascinating, your artwork stunning and your talk powerful.
What I love about you is you don’t preach, you just talk from the heart.”
(Michaela Strachan, Wildlife TV Presenter)