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An invitation to

The Wild Edge

Online Exhibition

An unfolding exploration of nature, one artwork at a time...

                 When I feel lost or unsettled

                             I return to the wild edge

                      And here, amongst the butterflies and birds

                              The wildflowers and the trees

                                             I find myself again.

For most of my life I have been in search of those untamed spaces, the wild edges, where life finds the space to live unburdened and free, a place where the sparkling rivers find a meandering route to the sea, the wind rustles the grasses, and the trees bend to the call of birds.

Do you know of this place, where the fox silently watches as you pass by, the place where the otters go to play - the grassy tumbling slope and the clear running stream; of the gentle flickering light through the early spring leaves, and the call of an owl from deep within a winters wood?

And if you listen really carefully, do you hear it within you as well?

These are the spaces where I go to feel truly alive, where the artist and the poet awaken in me, and the joy of creativity flows through my veins. And when I return to the studio in a respectful silence, I find ways to hold onto these special, even sacred moments, in paintings, sculptures and words.

And now I want to share them with you, so together we can experience The Wild Edge in all its untamed beauty. I have been working on this collection for over three years, and I will continue along this creative journey and share new works with you as they are completed.

But because we so easily forget to find time to spend time in nature, I am going to send you a new artwork and its words on a regular basis to remind you to step out into the wild magical world, to encounter nature, to seek the wild within you.

So join me at The Wild Edge, together we can explore an unseen world, from the gentle depths of the forest to the edge of the sea, from my studio to your inbox, quietly…

All you need to do is subscribe, for free.

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