#21 The Crow

The Crow (910mm x 760mm acrylic on stretched canvas)
click on painting to enlarge
How does one speak of the crow, of intelligence and an urban opportunist; as a corvid; a master of psychic illusion, the trickster, or omen of change; or as a valued messenger of the San?
The list is long when describing the often contradictory ways in which crows are perceived, and it is always interesting when such diverse associations are linked to a particular species, for they all point to a central fact – that we notice them. Raucous cries, curios antics, tool use and strategy suggest intelligence, on the wing they are masters of their domain, and in the remote mountains they always draw my attention away from the ground and into the beyond, a mystical power which gives flight to the soul, and paradoxically enables true grounding in the same moment. Sitting in my studio I often hear them as they call amongst the peaks and rocky outcrops, momentarily taking me into their world of the winds, tumbling out of the sky, twisting and turning, but always looking for villains which they harass with unending vigour.
How does one speak of the crow? Maybe the best way is to rather remain silent and share this week’s painting with you.
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